london calling blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Hand-in tomorrow. Thank goodness. I will be glad to see the back of this project receding into the distance. I am exhausted. I feel a bit sorry that I didn't have a chance to properly work on PR and Broadcast, but I had so many Journalism duties that I just didn't have the time. I hope my research and ideas helped Amelia. I really tried to bring in as much research as possible. In fact, I think I was one of the few who did.
Sam has done an amazing job on PR. She has really showed her responsibility and quality of work to be super high. Again, I wish I could have helped her more. Especially since the Art Car Installation idea was mine. I could have had a lot of fun with that.
Oh well, it's all done and finished. Thank goodness. Matt has said that a pint or two are deserved tomorrow after hand-in and I definitely agree. Wholeheartedly.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


The magazine has been sent off to the printers! Thank God!!! No more layouts!

Monday, May 09, 2005

dead to the world

I think I have made myself sick. Just as I predicted, I have had hardly any sleep the last two days. I've been up all hours trying to lay out everything. If I see a Photoshop screen one more time I think I will vomit. My head is pounding. Don't think I'll be able to make it in for this mornings group meeting.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My ethical fashion piece is finished and edited so I started working on the layout. Dee has also sent me her piece so I can get working on that too. It's getting so close to deadline and I am really frustrated because I have SO much layout work to do and no one has sent me any finished pieces to work with! I have a feeling I am going to have a few sleepless nights right before the actual printer deadline. Why did I know this would happen?
Dan, Matt and I have been working together to get a feel for the look of the magazine and I think it's going well. We'll see.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

and then there were more meetings

Things are definitely starting to take shape now! Work on the magazine is going along well, everyone seems to be on top of their articles and assignments. I went with Dan the other day to Brick Lane and we stopped into Beyond Retro to borrow some clothes for the shoot he is working on. They were really nice and let us have a rummage through the racks and we found several items that we think will work really well. Dan has found a girl on his floor to model for us, supposedly she is very tall and thin and gorgeous. He also says that she has a look that will go well for our East End theme. I hope it all works out! Penny is working on an interview with Junky and hopefully a shoot. This will correspond well with my own piece on ethical fashion.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


We had a Broadcasting seminar today wtih Annie. We've been discussing our ideas about the Huanted East End and she has asked us to bring in 10 ghost stories for next time. We also had a discussion on different themes we could bring in to the programme, such as space clearing and mediums and seances. This seems like an interesting avenue to follow through with.
Had a bit of a row in the canteen during our group meeting today. I wasn't directly fact I just sat there trying to look invisible! This is really not productive and I wish people would get their priorities straight. The power issue seems to be getting worse.

Monday, April 25, 2005

more meetings

We've had several meetings since I last wrote an entry. Things are starting to come together, ideas are taking shape. But I still can't get over the feeling that we have a major power issue in this group. Hopefully it won't become a problem that hinders our actual work. We've hashed out the content of the magazine and I really hope it all comes together well. I'm writing a feature piece on ethical fashion, which I'm happy about. I've also volunteered myself for a large part of the layout work, but that doesn't start until later. The other two projects are also coming along, though Journalism is taking up most of our time and effort. We've chosen our four pitch ideas for PR; a burlesque show in Broadgate and an art car installation throughout the Spitalfields area are my two favourites.